


Its the ‘World Creativity Day’ today. We wanted to share the accomplishments of our Creative Sri Lankans. If you or anyone you’ve known has been Creative.. we’d love to share them in our gallery. Please message us on Facebook, email [email protected] or share them in the comments! . ‘AMDT School of Creativity’ is the pioneering…

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Alisha Jalill

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Yashara Jayani

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Lahiru Kodikara

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Shafraz Noor

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Vihanga Attygalle

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Shenuri Fernando

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity

Creativity is the top 3 skills

In 2015, creativity ranked 10th on the list. But it’s one of the top three skills employers will seek by 2020. We’re bombarded by new information, new technologies and new problems to solve. And employers need creative people who can apply ideas along with tech to new products and services to improve and sustain businesses.…

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