

Have you ever asked your mom what her childhood dream was?

It is surprising how young women with big dreams are often influenced to give in as they grow up or settle for something lesser. Typically due to unequal allocation of household responsibilities.



Did you know that even though Sri Lanka’s female literacy rate is above 90%, only 35% of women directly contribute to the economy? And even from that, the number of women who pursue their true passion is just a handful.


Our economy has been struggling to grow due to continuous drawbacks in the recent past. The lack of support for women to pursue their career dreams has affected the development of every sector from health, law, engineering, education to business.


Practicing fair distribution of household responsibilities can unleash the massive untapped potential of our country that has almost gone unnoticed. And importantly, doing so will save us from going down in history as a community that shut off an ambitious woman’s dream. #LetWomenContribute.

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