
become a Fashion Designer

What is Fashion Design?What comes to your mind when I say Fashion Design?  Well, like most, the moment you hear the words Fashion and Design you think of beautiful clothes with prints and colours and accessories with lots of glamour. And you’re right! This is exactly what Fashion designing is, after all, fashion and clothing…

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Taha Sabit

‘AMDT School of Creativity’ is an excellent Creative institute and a training centre for students to explore their ideas and bring out their hidden Creativity. The curriculum uniquely formats everything from teaching about the software, the designing and much more. The classes at AMDT gave me the skill set that I needed to know how…

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Creativity Turns 16

AMDT School of Creativity turns 16 today! A journey of inspiring thousands to fall in love with Creativity. Striving to make a Creative Sri Lanka through Creative careers, passionate learning and endless curiosity. This is our invitation for everybody to be a little crazier, a hell of a lot more curious and definitely different... for…

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6 things I wish I knew when becoming a programmer

What do Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg, have in common? They started off as computer programmers before becoming visionaries, entrepreneurs, and even millionaires. People today are always using apps and websites for even the simplest tasks like checking the weather, reading news to playing games and checking social media. And computer programmer are responsible…

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It’s International Programmer’s Day everyone!

It’s International Programmer’s Day everyone! 💙   Here’s a little something from us. Happy coding! And don’t forget to share this with your aspiring programmer friends 😉 #InternationalProgrammersDay

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A day of an Art Director

What does a day in my life look like? I usually set my alarm as early as 6 AM. Early mornings always set my mood as it gives me more time to get myself prepped for the day ahead, You must have heard that staring at a screen is not the best way to start…

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Is UX Design for me?

What is UX design?For anyone who doesn’t know what the term stands for, UX design stands for User Experience Design, in other words designing the experience a customer would have with any given product. The word itself was developed by Don Norman, I guess you could call him the “Don” of UX design… if you…

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Top 6 Qualities of a Graphic Designer

So what sort of tasks does a Graphic Designer do? Graphic Designing is a career where you are free to let your imagination run wild, where you are allowed to create and design how you see things, I mean can it get any better than that?! Every day you get to wake up, head to…

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