Featured Articles

Creativity is the top 3 skills

Creativity is the top 3 skills

In 2015, creativity ranked 10th on the list. But it’s one of the top three skills employers will seek by 2020. We’re bombarded by new information, new technologies and new…

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity
Kageeban Sivanesan

Kageeban Sivanesan

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity
Kageeban Sivanesan

Kageeban Sivanesan

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity
Saifullah Masoor

Saifullah Masoor


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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity
Prasanna Bandara

Prasanna Bandara

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity
Shara Aiminath

Shara Aiminath

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity
Sri Lankan women diagnosed with Breast Cancer every year

Sri Lankan women diagnosed with Breast Cancer every year

People today have become busy with their lives and neglect the most important thing in their life. And that’s their health and wellbeing. In Sri Lanka, many women have been…

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700 700 AMDT School of Creativity
Musthaq Thasleem

Musthaq Thasleem

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity
Malaka Maduranga

Malaka Maduranga

#AMDT Interactive Multimedia Graduate, Malaka Maduranga’s Art was selected as the ‘AMDT Art of the week’. If you’re a student at AMDT and would like to get featured in AMDT’s…

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity
Donate your blood to save lives

Donate your blood to save lives

#AMDT Breast Cancer Foundation has initiated a blood donation day on October 17th 2018. Walk-in between 9am to 3pm at AMDT, 317A, Galle Road, Colombo 4

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