Sara Anam

Sara Anam

Web & App Development Student

I’m a second-year student at AMDT and I can’t help but feel I’m losing precious time being away from College. Every weekend it felt so good to move away from the daily hustle and walk into a world where I could be creative and happy! 

I would call it a gateway rather than a college. Lectures are very friendly and learning was made fun! Sitting in the lobby and chit-chatting with friends, laughing and running around having our own kind of weird conversations. How I miss them all!

The pandemic only stopped us from being in college together. But we have become closer now with competitions like #StayHomeBeCreative by AMDT we were driven to make cool short films, which is a new talent we’ve figured. Also, weekly Online lectures have made the lockdown a bit more interesting. Not to forget the online assignments that have kept us so busy these days. Glad to be a part of #lifeatAMDT, we are surviving the lockdown. Hurray!

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