
Shenuri Fernando

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity

Creativity is the top 3 skills

In 2015, creativity ranked 10th on the list. But it’s one of the top three skills employers will seek by 2020. We’re bombarded by new information, new technologies and new problems to solve. And employers need creative people who can apply ideas along with tech to new products and services to improve and sustain businesses.…

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Kageeban Sivanesan

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Kageeban Sivanesan

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Saifullah Masoor


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Prasanna Bandara

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity

Shara Aiminath

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405 405 AMDT School of Creativity

Sri Lankan women diagnosed with Breast Cancer every year

People today have become busy with their lives and neglect the most important thing in their life. And that’s their health and wellbeing. In Sri Lanka, many women have been diagnosed with various diseases and Breast Cancer is the highest rated disease. More than 3,100 Sri Lankan women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer every year.…

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700 700 AMDT School of Creativity