Shaimah Maznavi chooses AMDT to fulfill her Creative Dreams after O’Level

Shaimah Maznavi chooses AMDT to fulfill her Creative Dreams after O’Level

Every child dreams of having a creative career. What’s nice to see is that Sri Lankan parents are now more open to hear what their child’s dreams are and support those Creative dreams. Recent times have shown that parents are more supportive and motivational when it comes to their child’s choice of a Creative Career. They now realize that the Creative industry is where their child’s Creative Career Dreams come true.

Shaimah Maznavi completed her Foundation Diploma at AMDT, the pioneer for Creative Education in Sri Lanka. Shaimah is presently studying the ‘Advertising & Marketing’ degree level course at AMDT. Her interest for creativity was found out at a young age. Friends and family around her identified and encouraged her showing no objection. This is her story.

Studies prior to AMDT
Shaimah completed her O’Levels at India International School in Kuwait. Having compl eted six months of her A’Levels, Shaimah came back down to Sri Lanka on vacation. While on vacation, Shaimah was looking for an academy to fulfill her dream once she had completed her A’Levels. Having come across AMDT, Shaimah left for Kuwait confidently that the opportunity awaits.

Knowing that AMDT’s Foundation Diploma in Art in Design gave Shaimah the option of pursuing her Creative education without the need of A’Levels, helped her make a very important decision that has proven to be fruitful. But Shaimah stopped her A’Levels in order to follow the Foundation Diploma at AMDT.

Parents reaction
When asked about the role her parents made in her career choice, Shaimah chose to thank God for her supportive parents. Realizing that their daughter had creative talent from a very young age and by knowing that this was their daughter’s dream, Shaimah’s parents gave her the extra bit of confidence and motivation in putting trust in her choice as well as AMDT’s Foundation Diploma.

Enjoys the most
Shaimah now has successfully completed her Foundation Diploma and was recognized for her exceptional work by being awarded the “Best Designer” at the graduation for Foundation students in the year 2017. Now studying AMDT’s UK Degree Level Creative qualification in ‘Advertising & Marketing’, Shaimah enjoys most, the challenges of having to think Creative all the time. The fact that each task is different from the last and that each idea requires a unique approach is what she loves about what she does.

“Foundation was really nice, I enjoyed my final project the most because I did something really different. My friends were very supportive, we had teamwork where whatever we did we did it together which made it really enjoyable. The teachers are really good, and helpful. Foundation was the first step for me and I would recommend everyone to do the AMDT Foundation Diploma before their degree, because it really helps a lot. The people over here are really nice, I felt at home.”

Creative Dream
Shaimah is an aspiring Creative entrepreneur, an Artrepreneur in the making and has the dream of becoming a successful one at that.  Her parents are happy & proud of her achievements and continue to give their fullest support.

AMDT shares the same concerns as a caring parent would do. They want to see their students living successful-passionate Creative Careers, a happy life and most importantly, doing what they love for a living. AMDT pays as much attention as a parent would in getting their child with the right Creative Education, employed, and taking a step further by ensuring that the student is in the right job, in the right line of work where the student will be successful.

No A’level? Not a problem anymore!
Passing your A’Level is necessary to enter a university degree. But students with no A’Level have the opportunity to study the ‘AMDT Foundation Diploma in Art & Design’ and gain entry to any of the undergraduate level – Advanced Diplomas / Pearson BTEC HND courses.

AMDT’s UK Creative Degree Level Qualifications
Most of the degree level qualifications are offered as dual certification. The real value of it is that you pay one-course-fee but obtain two-certifications at the same time (dual qualifications). And these can be studied part-time or full-time.

The AMDT faculty are practicing Artists and working Creative professionals with industry experiences and close links to their respective Creative industries.

The BTEC HND certifications are awarded by Pearson, the most prestigious UK institution recognized by professionals, many industries and universities around the world.

To enroll for May 2018, call 114381981 or email [email protected] to speak to AMDT’s Course Advisors to get proper guidance in choosing a Creative career course. Visit the website: or walk-in at 317A, Galle Road, Colombo 04 for more information

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