Featured Articles

Ayani Liyanage

Ayani Liyanage

Fashion Design Student

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701 701 AMDT School of Creativity
Shane Karvin

Shane Karvin

Animation & VFX Student

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701 701 AMDT School of Creativity
Banuka Mendis

Banuka Mendis

Animation & VFX Student

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701 701 AMDT School of Creativity
Imalsha Ellepola

Imalsha Ellepola

Fashion Design Student

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701 701 AMDT School of Creativity
Prasad Perera

Prasad Perera

Graphic Design Student

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701 701 AMDT School of Creativity
Sahan Dimuth

Sahan Dimuth

Animation & VFX Student

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701 701 AMDT School of Creativity
Mubarak Ayyash

Mubarak Ayyash

Interior Design Student

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701 701 AMDT School of Creativity
Aflal Mohomed
Art of the Week - Aflal Mohomed

Aflal Mohomed

Graphic Design Student

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701 701 AMDT School of Creativity
Shevin Fernando
Art of the Week - Shavin Fernando

Shevin Fernando

Animation & VFX Student

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701 701 AMDT School of Creativity
become a Fashion Designer

become a Fashion Designer

What is Fashion Design?What comes to your mind when I say Fashion Design?  Well, like most, the moment you hear the words Fashion and Design you think of beautiful clothes…

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