Featured Articles

#StayHomeBeCreative Competition

#StayHomeBeCreative Competition

Hello People! Tired of staying home? How about we set our minds into something interesting, letting away all the Corona news feeds from our mind. Let’s save ourselves. Stress, anxiety,…

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500 500 AMDT School of Creativity


#LetWomenContribute Have you ever asked your mom what her childhood dream was? It is surprising how young women with big dreams are often influenced to give-in as they grow up…

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853 853 AMDT School of Creativity
AMDT wishes you an engaging new year!

AMDT wishes you an engaging new year!

2020, the year for Bravery and to make Sri Lanka a Creative Country. AMDT wishes you an engaging new year!

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853 853 AMDT School of Creativity
Become a UX Designer

Become a UX Designer

Register now for the UK degree level qualification in 

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853 853 AMDT School of Creativity
‘AMDT, School of Creativity’ turns 14.

‘AMDT, School of Creativity’ turns 14.

Happy birthday to us. Today, ‘AMDT, School of Creativity’ turns 14. We’re stepping into the 15th year of inspiring Creative minds. As the pioneering institute for Creative education in Sri…

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405 404 AMDT School of Creativity
Let’s save some lives.

Let’s save some lives.

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853 853 AMDT School of Creativity
It’s Children’s day

It’s Children’s day

We want to remind everyone one simple thing. Your child was born Creative. Let them do what they love for a living.

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853 853 AMDT School of Creativity